How You Can Help

There are many ways you can help:
To donate, please see 'Our Charity' page or contact us via 'Lets Chat' or our 'Contact' page.
We are always looking for good quality children's story books.
We can always use T Shirts and shorts which are in good condition.
Pens, pencils and other stationary can always be put to great use.
Our library is always in need of good quality story books.
We can always make use of any spare sports equipment, games or toys.
By joining 'easyfundraising' you can raise funds for our school, just by doing your normal online shopping and the great news is that it will not cost you a penny. Please see the 'easyfundraising' section on 'Our Charity' page
If you wish to volunteer at our school or require any further information please use our 'contact' page or 'Lets Chat' button,
to get in touch. You can also contact us via email at - info@kingstonjunioracademy.com