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Hi and Welcome to Kingston Jr Academy and Kingston Jr Secondary.
We are charity funded schools in Kilifi, Kenya.
The primary school was founded in 2012 and the secondary in 2023 by Trevor Roberts from England.
We started with 1 teacher and 23 pupils but have now grown to 22 staff and almost 700 pupils across the two schools.
We provide a quality education, at affordable cost, to all.
Our moto is 'A Quality, Affordable Education for All'
We will not turn any child away.
Any family that has a child who wishes to join our school can discuss their needs with our Headteacher who will then advise whether they may qualify for full sponsorship or part sponsorship
Even our normal fee structure is very, very affordable, amongst the lowest in Kilifi.
Kingston School was set up in 2012 to satisfy a need for the provision of quality primary education for
the local village children of Bofa, Kilifi, Kenya.
The school was set up by Trevor Roberts, from Hull, England after several visits to Kilifi starting in 2007.
Originally Trevor’s idea was to sponsor some of the many children from the village who did not attend
school for a number of reasons, but primarily due to the inability of the families to meet the school fees.
Many of the children live in the mud and stick huts and their families have to survive on very low incomes.
After a couple of years, with help from family, friends and colleagues, Trevor was sponsoring 14 children, providing them with an education which otherwise would not be available to them.
During 2011, Trevor was giving thought to the best way of achieving further funding for sponsorship when he came up with the idea of setting up his own school, which would enable the funds to be used to assist far more pupils.
In 2012 Kingston (previously 'Faithmount') opened its doors and on day one, 23 local children turned up for their first day at our school.
A week later we had 42 pupils arrive, and since then pupil numbers have continued to grow.
Trevor worked very closely with the local community and the school grew.
Teacher numbers quickly increased to four as pupil numbers grew, and as there was a need to provide teachers for all subjects and all standards, this recently increased to the current level of sixteen teaching staff, in addition we also have a cook who provides school lunches.
The vision of the school is to provide a quality education at an affordable cost.
The running costs of the school, including rent, teacher’s salaries and equipment, are financed from a combination of school fee income and sponsorship.
The goal of the school is to provide an education for all, the more fee paying pupils we attract and the more sponsorship we can find, means the more teaching staff we can employ, which in turn means the more children we can enroll.
In order to ensure sustainability, Trevor set up a small charity called ‘Kilifi Schools Education Fund’ with the specific aim of attracting new sponsors and donors. This has been registered with HMRC as a small charity for tax purpose, and is a completely seperate entity to the schools, as its UK based.
For more details on sponsorship or donating please visit our charity page.
The number of friends, family and colleagues who provide regular monthly sponsorship continues to grow which has enabled the school to go from strength to strength. We very much hope this will continue.
Once given the opportunity, it is truly humbling, to see the effort and hard work each and every child puts into achieving the best results they can. It is so important to them. They are inspirational.
On behalf of all pupils and staff I would like to thank every single sponsor and donor as without your on-going support the school would not be possible. If you feel you are able to support us or know of anyone who may be able to, please use our 'contact us' page or email us at info@kingstonjunioracademy.com or click on the 'Lets Chat' button to get in touch.